Lifetime Planning
Financial Power of Attorney
A power of attorney gives someone else, called an agent, the right to make financial decisions on your behalf and to manage your affairs. A power of attorney may take effect when signed or only upon your disability. Unless the document contains an ending date, the power of attorney is “durable,” which means the authority does not end until your death.
Advance Medical Directive
Oregon state statute provides a document, called an Advance Directive for Health Care, which allows you to make decisions regarding end of life care and life support issues. The advance directive also creates a power of attorney for health care issues, known as your health care representative. Your health care representative has authority to make all health care decisions upon your incapacity. The advance directive is effective when it is signed, witnessed and accepted by your named health care representative.
HIPPA Authorization Form
Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), a physician may not release protected medical and other health information without a patient’s written consent. A HIPAA authorization form allows you, or your health care representative, to request that your physician release health information regarding your care and treatment.